Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's Official---I'm Back

I'm back!  I have been teaching Pre-K for the last year in a Reggio Inspired School.  If you'd like to learn more about that, check out my other blog at Cowan's Pre-K Caterpillars.  I loved Reggio, but I'm VERY interested in applying some of the philosophies to a higher grade level.

Call me crazy, it won't be the first time, but the whole year my heart called out for the older kiddos!  I missed teaching multiplication, division and reading strategies.  My heart actually ACHED.  I know, I know, I'm a teacher freak or something.  But I just love everything about 3rd grade!

So, it's official, I am back in an elementary school building and with my favorite grade of all time.  At Rosa, we do a teaching loop, so I'm in a 2nd/3rd grade loop.  I'll be finishing up one loop and then my next class will be with me for 2 years!  I'm so excited, I literally cannot sleep!

Here's some pics of my new classroom.  Just observe the before, keeping in mind that the old teacher is winding down the year (we have just 7 more days of school). 

 The first picture is standing at the classroom door, it's just a partial view so I can start processing how I'm going to change things up and try to make it a little softer and homey. 

I wonder if my principal will allow me to paint the purple wall, something softer and neutral? 

This is some of the rooms in my current building...

These last three are from my classroom...

How will this translate for 3rd grade? What are your thoughts?
Keep Rockin' Rock Stars!